Create Custom Poker Coins and Card Guards for Your Casino or Fundraiser

Create Custom Poker Coins and Card Guards for Your Casino or Fundraiser
May 23, 2023

A professional poker player knows how important it is to be dealt a good hand.  One card could make or break a game.  Many choose to use card guards as way of preventing accidental exposure of their cards and as way of preventing their hand from being mucked. Poker coins are more than a promotional item.  They’re a unique and meaningful souvenir.  If you have a business that is sponsoring a poker tournament or are the owner of a casino that is hosting a special promotion, you can use the coins to advertise your product, service or upcoming event. Custom challenge coins can show support for players and give them the confidence that they need to play their best.  A logo and a multitude of colors can make custom card guards stand out.  In addition to being a practical tool for poker players to use, they’re also the type of memento that people hold onto for years because of their sentimental value. A few of the things that we offer to our customers include:

  • FREE artwork and design w/ unlimited revisions
  • FREE full-color proof delivered via email
  • FREE Shipping - delivered via UPS or FedEx air service ( APO deliveries are extra)
  • FAST Production - ready to ship in 10 days or less

Create custom poker coins and card guards for your casino or fundraiser.  We can help you come up with a design that’s attractive, memorable, and practical.  Visit and take a look at our online gallery.  See what elements of design appeal most to you and then request a free price quote. You can email your ideas to or call 1-800-667-5931 toll-free.  We honor your request by providing you with free artwork and design services as well as free shipping to your US address.  Contact us right away to get the ordering process started.  We want your casino or fundraiser to be a success.

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